Photo of the location of the Swiss Crochet office in Ostermundigen, Bern.
Photo of the location of the Swiss Crochet office in Ostermundigen, Bern.


Assimina Saranti Web and Textiles
Obere Zollgasse 75
3072 Ostermundigen
Bern, CH

Please note: this address is an office and not a store. It is not open for visitation, unless otherwise specified.



Thursday – Friday, from 9:00 AM to 17:00 PM (Swiss time)



Commercial Register Information

Company Name: Assimina Saranti Web and Textiles

Legal Representative: Assimina Saranti

Commercial Register Number (UID): CHE-365.553.613

MWST/VAT Number: CHE-365.553.613 MWST