The story of Swiss Crochet

Hello, I am Assimina Saranti, the founder of Swiss Crochet.

I made my first crochet flower in 2009, just two years after I started knitting. While with knitting I had some help learning how to knit and purl, with crochet I took a different approach; I decided to learn the craft on my own. I read books, followed people’s work online and practiced for many hours.

For a long time it felt easier, faster, and more relaxing than knitting, a source of pure joy and calm. This of course hasn’t changed, but as I practice more advanced techniques, it often happens that I have to concentrate a lot more than before.

For me, working with yarn is an art and a science.

It is an approachable way to create visual art that you can touch and enjoy everyday; art that is also practical.

It is a powerful way to conceptualize geometrical and algebraic concepts in three dimensions and find out exactly what works and what doesn’t.

This specific feature has always fascinated me. When I was studying in University as a Computer Engineer, I had to learn highly abstract concepts that often seemed that they had no connection with everyday life. Crochet made a vital contribution: it allowed me to test simpler ideas and explore more complex ones. It allowed me to build self-confidence and showed me that such concepts can have applications in fields outside of Computer Science.

Being immersed in fiber arts for nearly two decades has shaped my skills and deepened my understanding of techniques, yarns, and fibers.

Ever the inquisitive mind, I continue to practice new techniques and experiment on new ideas. I look for textile-related textbooks to study and follow courses to learn from others.

Needless to say, my engineering education and my self-taught textile journey have been going hand-in-hand for a long time.

It has also been some time since I have been looking for a way to combine my skills, both in IT and textiles, in the same profession. In 2024, I made the decision to become self-employed and start a business focusing on crochet. A scary decision because it is entirely self-financed; but also exciting, because it means that I can utilize my expertise to create a truly unique offering.

Swiss Crochet is more than a store—it’s a platform to celebrate creativity, share knowledge, and explore the endless possibilities of crochet. Will you join me on this journey?

If you want to learn more about:

→ my career, see Linkedin

→ my pattern design catalog, see Ravelry

→ broader fiber art explorations, see Über den Traum

You might already know me from:

→ the Swiss Yarn Festival, where I attended as a vendor in 2024

→ or fraukuhn, where I work part-time


Access to high quality resources

Whether it is yarn, tools or knowledge, I strive to provide the best resources available in the market and from the global crochet community.

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From the user interface of the website, to the presentation of the products offered and the structure of the courses, I strive, to the best of my ability, to make information and services as accessible as possible.

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I take into account the environmental, social and economic pillars of sustainability, when selecting products. Sourcing sustainable products is often a challenging task, especially for crochet, but I try to locate and offer the best products available.

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Modern Crochet

Crochet is often considered old and outdated, but the state of the craft today is far from this stereotypical view. My mission is to show the endless possibilities that crochet offers and the breathtaking beauty that it can create as a craft.

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Creative Potential

I want to create a platform, in which people have the opportunity to explore their creativity. A place, where people can feel free to experiment and play, at their own pace.

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Community Building

Finding like minded crochet enthusiasts and sharing the craft with them can be a very rewarding experience. It is my goal to create a space for people to meet, share knowledge, get advice and connect with fellow crafters.

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